A hotbed of projects and services for businesses and public administrations
We are a laboratory of ideas and projects. We dedicate time and resources to the development of solutions to innovate public and private processes and organisations, imagining the best simplification process for carrying out daily work activities.
The project aims at the realisation of a collaborative system that organically and innovatively exploits the flow of data originating from road infrastructure and the surrounding area, applying semantic analysis technologies for data extraction, collection, integration and publication.
Project Code PAC02 Ll _ 00255
Financed under the line of Intervention ‘Research and Innovation’ – Action ‘Interventions for innovative start-ups’.
Notice no. 436 of 13/3/2013 Line 1 ‘Big Data’.
Home Care in Intelligent Environments – RAISE Research and Innovation Programme ‘Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment’.
Code ECS000035 – funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 Education and Research
Component 2 From Research to Enterprise – Investment 1.5, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU
The objective is the creation of a next-generation home care clinical ecosystem based on an integrated software platform with assistive robots, wearable and environmental sensors and Artificial Intelligence systems. The project targets patients with neurodegenerative diseases in adulthood and focuses on the patient’s wellbeing and health, the satisfaction of their main needs and their active inclusion.
SMASH proposes to carry out an R&D study aimed at the prototype development of an innovative digital health infrastructure based on proximity systems that also integrates advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) tools, as well as administration tools that enable the analysis of parameters from which important information for decision support can be derived.
‘Smart Management and Assistance System for Healthcare’ Fund for Sustainable Growth
Innovation Agreements as per Ministerial Decree 31 December 2021, Ministerial Decree 11 May 2023 and Ministerial Decree 11 August 2023
Prog. MISE no. F/350177/01-05/X60
Innovative Architecture for the Digital Management of Clinical Data in Oncology
Eligible for funding under line 4.1.1 of the 2007-2013 ERDF OP
The aim of the project was the realisation of an Electronic Medical Record platform specialised in the management of oncological data through the use of Smart Cards supplied to patients and containing all the health data and systems enabling consultation in compliance with security and privacy regulations.
P.IVA 0468740874
Registered office : Via Eleonora D’Angiò n.7, 95125 Catania
Operational headquarters: Via Asiago 38, 95127 Catania
Email contact: segreteria@agilesrl.com
Pec: agile@pec.it
Tel. 095 2270135
Certificazion: ISO9001